HG2051 (AY23/24) Project 1: Individual assignment


This project constitutes 30% of your final grade for HG2051. Please work on the final program and report individually. Your code will be assessed based on its functionality and simplicity/efficiency.

Project 1: Machine translation

Machine translation involves automatically translating from one language to another. While automated translation systems have increased in complexity in recent years, you will be creating and evaluating a simple Python tool, using a bilingual dictionary to translate text from one language to another.

Organize your data

The first step in developing a translation tool is finding texts that can be used to validate it. For this we need “parallel texts” in the languages we want to translate between, i.e. texts that are “translation equivalents” and ideally can be aligned.

Get the base text for our source language

For this project we will use the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as our base text, and our source language will be English. The UDHR base text for English can be found here.

Choose your target language

Choose another UDHR text in a language other than English from the UDHR unicode page.

The language you choose should have a Latin-based script and be one for which a dictionary is readily available (see below). For evaluation purposes, you may want to choose a language that you have some familiarity with, i.e. French.

Find or develop a bilingual dictionary

Next, find a bilingual dictionary resource that lists words in English and their corresponding words in the non-English language you chose. Some options can be found here but you may also want to look for other sources or develop your own.

Translate each sentence using the dictionary

Using your bilingual source (wordlist/dictionary), translate each English sentence in your aligned text to the target language word-by-word. Then translate each target language sentence into English using the same resource. Your result should therefore be four times as long as the original UDHR text, where each sentence/line has four corresponding alignments: 1. the English sentence from the source text 2. the target language sentence from the target text 3. the English-to-target translation 4. the target-to-English translation.

Evaluate the translation and consider how you can improve its quality. See if you can write additional code that will improve the quality of the translation.


Your submission should include several text files and a writeup, more details of which will be given in your individual GitHub repository. In your writeup, consider the quality of the translations you were able to achieve using a dictionary. Are there other methods you can think of that would generate a better translation? How does this method of translation compare with other machine translation systems like Google Translate? How well does the UDHR text lend itself to translation? Are there other kinds/genres of texts you could try where your machine translator would perform better? (You can use these questions as a starting point for your discussion)


The NLTK library has a comtrans module that provides machine learning tools for translation. You can use this module with an aligned corpus to train a model to translate between a source and target language. To receive additional credit for this project, use the aligned UDHR texts that you created in the first part to train a translation model. Then use that model to translate from the source to the target text. This will require some research on your part to understand the module and how to format your aligned texts appropriately.

Write this output to another text file containing the aligned English sentences, target language sentences and the English-to-target translations. In your PDF writeup, discuss how well it performs in relation to your simpler dictionary-based translation, and consider reasons why. Your writeup page limit is increased to 6 pages to allow for the bonus discussion.