HG2051 (AY23/24) Project 2: Group assignment


This project constitutes 30% of your final grade for HG2051. Please work on the final program in groups of 2-3 and report together.

Project 2: Text classification

Text classification is a general term for automatically identifying properties of a text based on its linguistic content. For this project you will develop a program that classifies short SMS messages based on whether they are spam or not (ham). The initial project code in this repository will help you to get started, along the following lines:

  1. The corpora you will primarily be using are located in the datasets subfolder of your repository, and a brief explanation of each are given here:

    SMSSpamCollection.txt - this is the full UCI dataset, which is compiled from various sources. It contains both ham and spam labeled messages. You can view and read more about the dataset here.

    SMSSpamCollection_500.txt - this is a set of the first 500 messages from the dataset above, and is used in your starter code for testing.

    sms_corpus_NUS-ham.txt - this is the full SMS corpus developed by NUS Singapore for machine learning & NLP. All of these messages are actual messages collected in Singapore from study participants. I have reformatted the data to match the format of the other datasets. You can read more here.

    email_corpus_lingspam.txt - this is a set of real emails from the Linguist List (a listserve site for dissemination information about linguistics) along with spam emails. I have reformatted the data to match the other datasets, including ham and spam labels. This is the dataset you will be using for evaluation, and you should not use it for training your classifier. You can download the original dataset here. The zipped folder contains a readme file explaining the data.

The SMS spam collection from UCI will be the set of data that you will use for training and testing the classifier. Since each of the messages in this corpus has already been classified as spam or ham, this allows us to see how well a basic Naive Bayes NLTK classifier works.

  1. Create a list of spam words and ham words based on the labels of the short texts. You can either use the same dataset of messages or another that you can find online. Once you have sorted and filtered the words, perhaps via frequency distributions, write a function that uses these words in conjunction with the NLTK classifier to classify the messages and improve on the base score (83% accuracy on emails). This process is known as feature selection/engineering - the goal of the project is to implement other “features” that you can identify which might improve your classification. Some ideas for sentiment analysis of movie reviews can be found here. Keep in mind that successfully differentiating between real and fake messages/emails may require different features than for differentiating between the sentiment of movie reviews.

  2. Once you have determined the features that you want to extract, write a function that automatically extracts these features from the text as a dictionary. Then use the function to create a list of tuples, where the first item of the tuple is the dictionary of features and the second item is the category/classification (“ham” or “spam”) of the text.

  3. Split the dataset for training and validation to see how/whether your features improve classification using, i.e. the Naive Bayes classification algorithm in NLTK. It is important that whatever classifier you use, the training data is kept separate from the testing/validation set, otherwise you are simply letting the model “memorize” inputs (overfitting) and it will not generalize well to other datasets.

  4. Once you have a model that you think works pretty well on the SMS dataset, test its accuracy on the email dataset (which you have not used for training) to see how well it classifies email texts as ham/spam. At this point, you can train your classifier on the complete SMS dataset, since your email dataset is being used for testing (it is ‘unseen’). Additionally, you can incorporate other datasets (like the complete NUS SMS dataset or other datasets you can find online) into your training data. If you do use other datasets, make sure to include them in the git repository (under the datasets folder) and include links to your sources in your code/writeup. Your team’s ultimate goal is to improve the accuracy of your classifier on the unseen email dataset.

  5. This code is simply a starting point for exploration. What other features can you think of and implement to improve accuracy? How does the accuracy improve with different splits? Try to implement other classifiers and see how they perform on this dataset. Are there other lexical resources/corpora or algorithms within NLTK or from other sources that can improve your results? What is the best accuracy you can get? How does the genre of text (sms/emails) affect your classifier’s results?

  6. With your group, write a roughly 5-page paper (no longer than 10 pages) describing your goals, data, process, and results, and discussing some of the concerns identified in point 6. This paper should include relevant linguistic information and citations for your sources. Submit the paper as a PDF along with your annotated/commented Python code in a Github repository. The PDF should also be submitted via TurnItIn.


Your final updated repository should include a README.md file (replace this one) with a brief summary of the project and a list of the items in the repository along with a brief description, a single python script or a set of scripts/folders containing code to build your classifier and assess its performance on the email_corpus_lingspam dataset, an output.txt file that contains the accuracy results of 10 runs of your final classifier being trained on the SMS+ dataset and evaluated on the email corpus dataset, and a PDF of your 5-10 page paper describing your goals, data, process, and results.